By: Marnie Bounds
Did you know that your psoas muscle is the “Muscle of the Soul”? It is a muscle deep within our abdominal cavity connected to the hips, low back, and core. It also has a important connection to our central nervous system, spine and our fight or flight response. That is why when we experience trauma or even everyday tension we often store that energy deep within the psoas. The result can lead to tightness all over the body, chronic pain and stored anxiety. Taoist philosophy believes that a healthy psoas can awaken the spine and allow energy to flow freely through the bones, tissues, muscles and joints. This free energy then grounds into the earth and rebounds through the body up to the cosmos. Therefore a healthy psoas is crucial not only for physical, but mental, emotional and spiritual health as well. Deep Psoas Tension Release is a set of exercises created to fatigue the Posas and induce involuntary shaking and tremor of the muscle. As a result, this practice can create a reset for the entire body. The following are just some of the benefits reported from this practice.
– reduction of anxiety, anger, stress, tension and post trauma symptoms
– better, deeper sleep
– reduction of muscle and back pain
– increases mobility, energy levels and autonomy
– resolves bodies trauma patterns neurologically
– reduced anger and rage
– release of emotions from mild upset to severe anxiety
– balancing of the nervous system
– aid to healing of past injuries
– relief from chronic medical conditions
– helps recovery from addictions
– complements speech and other therapies
– improving of relationships, less conflicts
– increase of self-esteem and confidence