This past week, I had the total privilege of getting a reiki session with Liz Flavin. It truly was so healing and life-giving to take a slow moment and check in with my subtle bodies (kosha). 

Prior to the reiki session, I found myself staying in anger, trying to fix or change what I was feeling annoyed/irritated by. Guess what, it wasn’t helping or changing anything. During the session, Liz asked the simple & wonderful question, “where are you feeling sensation”. Immediately I knew, there was tension in my left rib and as soon as I said it, tears came slowly down my cheeks (lungs hold grief).

I was staying in anger, as a way to alter my irritation and to have the illusion that I was in control. But as soon as I went to grief and let go, I realized that sadness was actually the final emotion. Crying was what I needed. Now don’t get me wrong, anger has its place and power, but for me this time, grief was what I needed to address and feel.

When you feel the emotion all the way through, you also let the energy move through you. So this week, if you notice yourself having a similar feeling on repeat, slow down. Notice where you are feeling sensation and see if there are other feelings you are suppressing or avoiding. You may find yourself shifting through the thought, emotion, or event in a new and transformative way.

We’d love to hear from you! How have you been feeling lately?